Godparent/Godchild Sunday - February 4th

Invite the godparents of your children and/or invite your godchildren to come to Church for the Traditional Reaffirmation Service of our Faith, and a special coffee fellowship after Church sponsored by our Ladies Philoptochos in conjunction with GO RED SUNDAY. We need to keep the Spiritual bonds alive with our godparents and godchildren......even more important....we need to keep our life united with our Lord, Jesus Christ. This unites us with one another. Be part of God's family!!!

Go Red Sunday - February 4th

Our Ladies Philoptochos is recognizing "Go Red For Women and Heart Disease.” Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national call to increase awareness and help prevent heart disease, the number one killer of American women. This is a call for women, by women, to take charge of their well-being and live stronger, healthier lives. We encourage you to wear something RED to show your support. For more information, please click here: https://www.goredforwomen.org/en/get-involved/give/wear-red-and-give

Sunday Collection Basket
We are very thankful for the support of so many families and individuals who financially support the Ministries of our Assumption Church. Your Stewardship Commitment and donations for candles, Feast Days and special offerings help our Church meet the Yearly Budget. Our Parish Council has decided to continue placing the traditional Collection Basket on a table in the Narthex. Parishioners and visitors may offer a donation if they wish following Divine Liturgy and other Services as they exit the Church. Thank you for your gifts that support the many Ministries and programs of our Church. God Bless you.