Festival Of Tables 2024: We are having our FOT on November 16. We will start accepting PAID ONLY reservations on September 8th.
We are asking for ladies to host a table, for raffle donations and for helpers for the day of the event. Please follow the link to SignUp. FOT 2024
Agape Coffee Fellowship Hostesses/Hosts Needed
We truly appreciate the volunteer work of our hosts and hostesses.
We encourage both women and men to sign up; we also encourage families to sign up. We have detailed instructions to help you. Please sign up via Sign-up Genius.
Agape Sunday fellowship/coffee hour
Questions? Please contact Barbara Soldano, Danai Sachinidou or Linda Dallaku at
For Agape Fellowship Sponsoring opportunities/availability please contact Margot Racano at: office@agoc.us.
May your heart and home be filled with health, peace, love and happiness throughout the Year 2024.
Our Philoptochos Chapter is involved in many philanthropic efforts throughout the year. We help in our parish, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We all have something to offer – whether it be in time, talent or treasure. We welcome new ideas and suggestions. If you have any questions please feel free to contact any board member and plan to attend one of our meetings.
You may make online stewardship donations by Clicking Here. BE SURE TO CHECK OFF LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS and follow up with an email to philoptochos@agoc.us to notify us you have submitted a stewardship offering.
You may also mail your offering with the Membership form 2024
Our Philoptochos has a suggested stewardship of $35 or whatever you would like to contribute. Please know $15 of your donation goes directly to National Philoptochos Society and $8 of your donation goes to The District Archdiocese Philoptochos.
Donations may be made directly to our Philoptochos by Clicking Here. BE SURE TO CHECK OFF LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS.
Checks should be made payable to: Ladies Philoptochos Society and mailed to:
Ladies Philoptochos Society
c/o Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
30 Clapboard Ridge Road
Danbury, CT 06811
Board Officers 2021-2023
President – Fevri Gkanatsios
1st Vice President – Ourania Carino
2nd Vice President – Barbara Soldano
Treasurer – Eleni Manolakes
Assistant Treasurer – Caryn Flannery
Recording Secretary – Susan Chipouras
Corresponding Secretary – Cathy Hatzis
Past President Advisor – Caryn Flannery
Mission Statement: https://www.philoptochos.org/mission-statement/
National obligations: https://www.philoptochos.org/commitments/
We invite you to like our Facebook Page “Assumption Ladies Philoptochos, Danbury, CT” at https://www.facebook.com/Assumption-Ladies-Philoptochos-Danbury-CT-101749108195144
For more information, please contact: philoptochos@agoc.us
Shop for Philoptochos items while supporting Philoptochos here
Message from Saint Michael’s Home
To ensure the highest level of care and daily living for residents, becoming involved in our mission can enhance the care received and contribute to a greater quality of life for the residents of the facility. From volunteering your time and talents, visiting the residents, or making a donation, the Home welcomes the community and thanks our supporters for helping us with our sacred mission. Your support can make a significant impact on our ability to continue providing the highest quality care.