Psalti (Chanter) and Reader Ministry

We are looking for people to learn to chant and read at the various services of our Church – Orthros (matins), Vespers, Paraklisis, etc. Anne Ktorides has done a wonderful job with the choir and learning the various hymns and tones (melodies) of our Church music. She is willing to share this knowledge and help develop Chanters and Readers for our Church. All you need is a willingness to learn and some musical background. For Readers, all that is needed is the willingness to read in a prayerful manner. Please offer your Time and Talents to this very important Ministry. High School and College age students are encouraged to participate.


Our Choir continues to lead the congregation in singing Glory to God during Divine Liturgy. The Choir uses their talents to offer the entire congregation the opportunity to sing with them the hymns and responses during the Church services. You are supposed to sing with the Choir. Use the Liturgy books and teach your children to sing and offer glory to God during the Holy services.

For more information, Adult Choir please email; Youth Choir please email

A Brief History of Music Ministry at Assumption Church

Church founded 1938

Chanter  -  George Hondron (one of the 'founding fathers') chanted for many years father of Choir members Anne and Alyce Hondron)

For a time during the 1950's... young Mary (Panasis) Koukos led the choir

When Fr. Peter arrived in Danbury 1978...

Chanter - Constantine Vournazos (sometimes helped by Nicholas Johns)

Choir Director - Albert Cambedes re-established choir at 'old church' on Farview Avenue encouraged music/cultural participation in 'Danbury Ethnic Festival'

Around 1980... Chanter - Antony Paralavos - chanted for over 15 years

Through the decade of the 1980's, the Assumption Church had several  Choir Directors each for a short tenure as the church transitioned to its new location on Clapboard Ridge Road :

            Director/Organist - Athena Halkiotis

            Co-Choir Directors - Presbytera Fay Lassios and Gloria Abondolo

            Choir Director - Nicholas Johns with organist Stella Johns

            Choir Director - Connie Pappas

During the late 80's and early '90's George Sakellaras offered his talents as organist

From 1990 - present day (2023)...Choir Director - Anne Ktorides (33 years)

From mid 1990's - 2005... Chanter - Argyri Voutsos - chanted over 10 years

Starting 2006 - present day

Chanters - Anne Ktorides, Niki Bochinis, John Savage (until 2018), and for a brief time young  Niko Komas (Komatsoulakis). In 2018 Dimitri Kotsialiotis joined the chanting 'team' and soon Fevri Gkanatsios also added her considerable talent - and was very involved (together with Anne) throughout the COVID years.

The idea for Youth Choir was first encouraged by Athena Halkiotis, and when these 'seeds' were not yet ready to sprout in our community, she taught basic hymns to her Sunday School classes.

The Asssumption Youth choir was finally brought into fruition by Diane (Romell) Millas around 1997.

In 2001, the Youth Choir came under the direction of Therese Papadopoulos who directed them for nearly 18 years.

In 2015, Cindy Ziemnicki officially joined Therese as Co-director (though she had already been helping for several years), and when Therese retired in 2019, Cindy continued to teach the Youth. When the COVID pandemic had abated somewhat, she revived the Youth Choir and added parental helpers Ada Rountos, Stephanie Polistena and Angela Rountos.

(Though not technically part of our Music Ministry, Cindy Ziemnicki has also encouraged the cultural development of our young people through the Paradosi Singers.)

Starting in September 2023, Cindy Ziemnicki is now leading the adult choir as well as the Youth Choir (with continued assistance from the parental helpers).

Fevri Gkantsios continues to chant most church services.

Both women are continuing their education with classes in Byzantine hymnology, forms and technique.


Assumption Choir Members - 2023

Current Members

We'll keep looking for new members... male voices would be a great addition!

Cindy Ziemnicki - Director

Anne Ktorides

Fevri Gkanatsios

Betsy Ern

Linda Dallaku

Juliet Aletras

Angela Ktorides Galleano

Sophia Terilli

Occasional Singers

...but always very welcomed

Lisa Koukos

Eva Ziemnicki

Yana Gannoutsos

Nikidora Bochinis

Kurt Mederer

Anna Mederer

Sophia Mederer

Felice Wilson

Angela Rountos

Diane Millas

Denise Zabetakis

Antonia Giannakakos Ferman

Downstairs Singers

All have 'retired' from the loft but have given many years of service

Nicholas Metaxas

Pres. Fay Lassios

Anastasia Osdranus

Toula Koutmos

Maria Terilli

Heavenly Choir

...may their memory be eternal

Albert Cambedes

Anne Meken

Alyce Hondron

Anne Hondron

William Thornhill

Diamond Mamaras

Lucille Herzegovitch

Gloria Abondolo

Nicholas Johns

Present Music Ministry Choir Directors

Adult Choir: Cindy Ziemnicki

Past director/Sub: Anne Ktorides

Youth Choir: Cindy Ziemnicki

Assistants: Ada Rountos, Angela Rountos, Stephanie Polistena


Fevri Gkanatsios

Sub: Anne Ktorides

Past Choir Members (since 1990)

Nitsa Kaplanis

Angela Paralavos

Doug D'Jay

Alexis Ortiz

Steve Ortiz

Maria Psaris Ortiz (reader)

Tony Dworetsky

Jim Pappas

Denise Georgealos

Lisa Kustas

Lisa Prevelianakis

Helen Schlicht (also Erica and Lee)

Leomonia Pappas

Erica Tsacoyeanes

George Sakellaras (organist)

Toula Zotos

Susanna Belalis

Linda Bellas Elf

Katherine Torski

Nicole Zabetalis Lotte

Christian Savage

Irene Dare

Ashley Talarico Welp

Rocky Welp

Alyssa Talarico

Anastasia Giannakakos

Conferences and Awards - Hosted Choir Conferences

1992 - October - New England Choir Federation

2004 - June 5-6 - DAD Choir Federation...

 Anne Ktorides received Choir Member of the Year Award.

2011 - March 5-6 - DAD Choir Federation

Nikidora Bochinis received Choir Member of the Year Award presented by                                 Archbishop Demetrios

2016 - November - at the DAD Federation Conference at Koimisis, Southhampton, NY

Anne Ktorides received the Patriarch Athenagoras Medal from Archbishop Demetrios and 25-year pin from the DAD Choir Federation for 25 years as Choir Director and 11 years as Psalti/Chanter

DAD Federation 'Demetrios C. Pappas' Scholarship winners

Julianne Papadopoulos - 2015 - 2016 -2017

Robin Rockwell - 2016 - 2017

Anna Mederer - 2018 - 2019 - 2020

Pan-Hellenic Scholarship Winner

Julianne Papadopoulos - 2019