Garden Bricks Available for Purchase

Click here for brick order form

Jesus, through His creation, calls us to help bring the fullness of the kingdom of God to Earth through our role as stewards of His creation.

For over 30 years, the Greek Orthodox Churches continually advocated and pioneered leadership for Christian care of the environment. Through the Creation Care Ministry, Assumption Church is joining the conversation and will look at ways that we, as a parish, can be better stewards of God's creation. 

Our mission includes a journey of learning and growing in ecological awareness that we hope will become an extension of the life of the parish and into the lives of our parishioners.


 Please visit!!!

Our Garden foundation is filled with Holy Icons and Bibles that have weathered and could no longer be used properly so we are so grateful for this Holy bedrock.  Our garden is fashioned in the shape of a Byzantine Cross and located in direct line sight of our Church's highest peak and Cross. The commemorative stones are in place! An anonymous "angel" patron donated the staircase for easy access. And parishioners have made generous donations to plant offerings from their home gardens. The beautiful, donated, hand-made benches will soon be in place. It is truly a garden of love!



To volunteer, please email

We invite and encourage everyone to find a way to get involved in Creation Care. Whether you want to get your hands dirty, help with watering, research, sourcing materials, fundraising, children’s programs or more, there are opportunities for everyone to join in the celebration of God’s creation!

We also welcome ideas and projects that grow the sustainability of our Bible Garden, such as water catchment, composting and recycling.

Please email us to add your name to our ministry contact list so we can keep you informed of our needs and progress.

Click here to view "The Face of God," The Orthodox Church on Climate Change

Click here to view Greta Thunberg Video

Click here for Creation Care Scavenger hunt!

For more information please contact: